Participating Artists

Bruce Bingham

Biography / Artist Statement

Bruce completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Oklahoma in 1978, she has
pursued further education by attending over 36 workshops and courses taught by renowned
artists from around the globe. After spending a decade living abroad, she has recently returned
to the United States and has chosen to settle in the vibrant city of Austin. Embracing the city’s
eclectic atmosphere where she finds inspiration in capturing the local color and unique venues that
Keep Austin Weird! Bruce’s work is internationally collected in 14 countries, both privately and corporately.

“I love painting in oils with the lush bright colors and somber combinations that I can push
around the canvas with my brushes or palette knife. The textures, layers and colors mesmerize
me. The movement of my hands applying paint grounds me, and the smell of the oil paint drying
calms me. Painting is my sanctuary where I play with the warm and cool colors, the range of
hues and variations of texture- making sense of the world around me. My studio is the cocoon that
nurtures my paintings before they take flight.”

Bruce maintains signature status in three national art associations: American Impressionist
Society, Outdoor Painters Society, and Women Artists of the West.

Bruce Bingham’s Art Awards

2015 En Plein Air Texas Open Quick Draw- Best in Show
2016 Oil Painters of America Salon Show Plein Air Competition- Award of Excellence
2016 Long Beach Island Plein Air Plus- Honorable Mention
2016 Sedona Art Prize Oct & Dec- Finalist
2016 Kerrville, Texas Paint Out – 3rd Place
2016 En Plein Air Texas Open Quick Draw- Best Concho Street Painting
2017 Sedona Art Prize- Jan Finalist
2017 Nov & Dec Finalist
2018 Feb Finalist
2018 Gateway International Painting Contest Sept- Finalist
2021 2nd Annual AIS Associate Members Online Exhibition- Award of Merit
2021 En Plein Air Texas – Open Division- 3rd Place
2022 Plein Vision in Miniature Exhibition- OPS Award of Excellence
2022 OPS and KACC Event- Award of Excellence
2022 NOAPS FALL International Online Exhibition- Best Use of Light & Colour