Participating Artists
Judy Crowe

Biography / Artist Statement
Oil painting has become a dear friend for Judy after being behind the easel for over 30 years. She began painting with renown Houston artist, Lindy Daly in 1990. Since that time, Judy has become an established artist in her own right both locally, nationally, and internationally. She is a master member of American Women Artists, Signature member of Oil Painters of America and American Impressionists Society. She is a teacher as well and enjoys helping students find joy in creating something they can be proud of. You can find her in the pages of several national artist’s publications.
“To hear from a collector that my work brings joy and beauty to life is the greatest compliment. It’s my hope to add something positive to a world that is sometimes too busy to see the beauty of nature, people, and places.”
“My favorite quote is from Sir Winston Churchill “Happy are the painters for they shall not be lonely. Light and colour, peace and hope, will keep them company to the end, or almost to the end, of the day.”
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