Participating Artists

Tiffany Smith



Biography / Artist Statement

Tiffany’s art and teaching aim to reconnect you with the natural world and reignite your sense of wonder and discovery. Her paintings evoke a sense of curiosity, joy, and awe—encouraging viewers to pause and appreciate the subtleties of the world around them. She seeks to remind us all to see with fresh eyes and to marvel at the simple, yet profound beauty in everyday moments.

Born and raised in Lubbock, Texas, Tiffany holds an education degree from Lubbock Christian University. Her work is deeply inspired by the charm of the natural world. For her, nature is not just a subject, but an endless source of exploration and wonder.

Tiffany’s work can be viewed and/or purchased at the Texas Tech Museum Gift Shop, Broadway Contemporary Gallery, and other businesses throughout Lubbock, or by appointment at her home studio. 2025 will be her second year as a featured artist in the Art on the Llano Estacado Show and Sale.

Through her work, Tiffany doesn’t just paint scenes, she captures the emotions, energy, and vibrant hues that express a particular moment. By studying personal photographs and reflecting on the memories they hold and the stories they tell, she composes those experiences into paintings that speak to the viewer. Whether florals, landscapes, animals, or architectural interpretations, you are invited to linger and connect with the work on a deeper, more personal level.

In addition to her own artistic practice, Tiffany is passionate about sharing her love for watercolor with others. She teaches in her home studio and locations throughout West Texas. You can find out more about her commissioned pieces or instructional classes at