Dyan Newton

Dyan Newton

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Dyan Newton Acrylic, Pastel, Watercolor Webs: www.dyannewton.com www.theadobefineart.com Biography / Artist Statement Dyan lives in Abernathy and has been painting for over forty years.  Her favorite mediums are watercolors,...


Participating Artists Back to All Artists Ebova Contemporary, Oil, Acrylic Instagram: @ebova_art Biography / Artist Statement Ebova is a self-taught female artist, known for developing her unique style that allows her to intuitively “sculpt” and manipulate the paint...
Robert Rogers

Robert Rogers

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Robert Rogers Acrylic, Oil Web: robertrogersart.com Biography / Artist Statement Robert Rogers is a native Texan whose artistic journey is deeply inspired by Native American, Asian, and European art, as well as his lifelong...
Janelle Barrington Spivey

Janelle Barrington Spivey

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Janelle Barrington Spivey Acrylic Web:  janellebarringtonspiveyart.com Facebook – Instagram Biography / Artist Statement Janelle Barrington Spivey is a full-time self-taught artist whose exceptional talent and dedication...
Gale Webb

Gale Webb

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Gale Webb Abstract, Acrylic Web:  galewebbart.com Biography / Artist Statement Art is a big part of who I am. Without the ability to create and be around creative friends there would be a huge hole in my heart. I have studied...