Duward Campbell

Duward Campbell

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Duward Campbell Oil, Southwest, Western Biography / Artist Statement Duward Campbell has been involved in creative activities most of his life; he became serious about drawing and painting during his junior high school years....
Randall Cogburn

Randall Cogburn

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Randall Cogburn Oil Web: www.randallcogburn.com Biography / Artist Statement Oil painter, Randall Kirby Cogburn, is an American impressionist. A Texas native who enjoys the state’s landscapes, coastal scenes, urban cities, and...
Judy Crowe

Judy Crowe

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Judy Crowe Oil Web: www.judycrowe.com Biography / Artist Statement Oil painting has become a dear friend for Judy after being behind the easel for over 30 years. She began painting with renown Houston artist, Lindy Daly in...
Maryneil Dance

Maryneil Dance

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Maryniel Dance Landscape, Oil, Wildlife Web:  maryneildance.com Biography / Artist Statement I majored in Fine Art and Interior Design at Texas Tech University graduating in 1965. After a 30 year career in interior design and...
Karen Dreyer

Karen Dreyer

Participating Artists Back to All Artists Karen Dreyer Americana, Landscape, Lifeform, Oil, Wildlife Web: https://www.karenedreyer.com/ Biography / Artist Statement Art has always been a passion of mine and I have always felt happiest when I have been creating...